About Us

Greytown & Martinborough Dental, are the newly established dental practice's of Dr. Manjima Sony, a qualified and widely experienced dental practitioner with just about two decades of experience, thirteen of which have been here in the Wonderful Wairarapa.

After training overseas and gaining invaluable experience in large, multi-specialty practices alongside world renowned specialists, she now looks to fulfill her lifelong passion by providing dental care here in this vibrant community.

“I wanted to work someplace where I could also enjoy the urban country relaxed lifestyle that Greytown provides together with my two children”.

So, set in the heart of Greytown amongst classic Victorian architecture, with the view of a beautiful century old walnut tree stands an extremely modern, state of the art dental practice, Greytown Dental, the dream of an energetic, fun, hardworking dental professional, Manjima Sony. “I am about people.” I want everyone who comes here to feel welcome, from babies to grandparents to whole families. We are a professional ‘team of heart’ dedicated to achieving this.